Tuesday 11 October 2016

HOF Fire-Team book and battleboards now a paid for digital download!

Thanks for taking the time to come to this article for this is a first for 15mm.co.uk on its own website. HOF Fire Team the grid based tech level alterable 15mm skirmish system wargame rules for science fiction are now a paid for digital download. No longer in print it is excellent value containing the book, the book covers and a twenty page set of all the battle boards and scenic items on grids as well as a page of blank grids too. All for 8.00GBP. It works with any 15mm miniatures from present day to far future and contains generic generation rules as well as three backgrounds with stats. The Prydian Civil War, the Pan Galactic Empire and the teeming Argo cities of a near tomorrow. We will be releasing other titles out of print and in print as digital downloads in coming weeks including USEME and Alien Squad Leader 2.0 as well as Age of Might and Steel. Go HERE or read on for more. 

The process of purchasing a digital download from the website is straight forward and works as follows. Any product which has the digital downloads sticker on it is purchased as normal into the shopping cart and then through to checkout. During checkout and once purchase is made your will get an order number and a receipt. If your order contains any digital downloads there will be a box displayed on the screen where your digital book will appear once it is loaded in (this can take a minute or so for large files) with a button to click to download it. You will also get the download link in your email as well. 

The purchased download is now yours and can be downloaded up to five times. But do not worry for as long as you can email us your order number at any future date we will manually send you the files by link reply. If you have any questions just contact us by email on sales@15mm.co.uk

Read on for more information or go to our website HERE

HOF Fire-Team is an original dynamic tactical game with a setting from ultra modern to the far future. Fire Team pits squads of soldiers, guerrillas, police, and thieves or just about anyone else with a grudge against one another. Use miniatures from your existing collection, on single bases, or add any new ones of your choice. Players command a number of Teams. These being Fire Teams, Support Teams, Command Teams and trusting to sound small unit tactics and the luck of the dice they attempt to carry out their mission objectives. HOF Fire-Team is played on 'Battle Boards' de-marked into a 20mm squared grid. These set squares allow for easy and instant measurement of game distances for movement and weapons fire along with the relation between every miniature in play and possible cover. Play is easy and lethal. Using a unique D6 mechanic based on the Firefight 2.0 engine combined with an innovative 'tech level' for all troops and the 'waypoint' mission driver this game promises fast and intense action in a compact playing area. Play in a place of your choosing even if it is too small for other ‘open terrain’ wargames. Play a game of HOF Fire-Team with three fire teams a side (a total of 24 miniatures) in less than fifteen minutes! 

If you are keen on learning more from four years ago there are reviews and interviews online for the book which are still perfectly valid. You can see a video review by the Voodoo Ork HERE and an in depth look HERE over at Dropship Horizon blog. I must point out that these pre-date by a year the new website www.theionage.com formerly of the HOF range. A google search will highlight more reviews and such for you. 

15mm.co.uk has a vast array of 15mm science fiction miniatures which you can use for HOF Fire Team. These include the huge HOF 15mm Science Fiction range which has Humans, Aliens, Robots and way more in it plus the Laserburn classic range and the Asgard range too. Click through to see each of these. Above is the Cultist Holy Guard.

Thanks for Reading, 



  1. If you purchased the hardcopy version, is it possible to get the digital version for free or a reduced cost? Thanks.

    1. Thank you for your comment. We have reduced the digital download version by 20% compared to print version; this is our position. We hope you enjoy the game.

