Sunday 26 July 2015

Laserburn 35th Anniversary in August 2015

According to wargamers who are customers of and checked by us it appears that August 2015 is the 35th Anniversary of the publication of the Laserburn rule book.  Those of you who are fans of 15mm science fiction wargaming will know that Laserburn is one of the origin points of the whole genre and to this day is highly regarded by gamers around the world.  

We are thinking of marking this historic anniversary with a promotion.  While we have some ideas what do you think?  Let me know your thoughts and suggestions from now until Friday 31st July. Comment or Email to sales(at) Happy 35th Laserburn!

You can see the Laserburn range HERE

Thanks for Reading.



  1. Happy bday!!! Was this Ansell's first game?

    1. Thanks! I am afraid I do not know but I do not think it was.


  2. Crikey, is it really 35 years since I bought Laserburn? How did I get so old?

    As for promotions, how about showing a way that the player can actually survive and win the Scavenger solo? :) I've played it so often and never once reached safety. I even looked for paragraphs leading to the winning paragraph and never found one.

    Sorry, I cannot think of a better promotion. I still have Redemptionist Rebels that I bought in the 80s that need paint adding! Oops, just realised I am too late with the comment by two days. Never mind.

    1. The time is now up yes but thanks anyway for your comment. Sorry I cannot assist you in the efforts to finish Scavenger. I have actually never played that scenario set for Laserburn. Happy painting when you get around to it and the promo will be up on the website real soon.


    2. I think I need to produce a flow-chart for the adventure. I bet I find that the one paragraph where you reach safety is not actually reachable in the adventure! Scavenger is worth a go if you have a bit of time free. It's classic Laserburn in paragraph adventure format.

      Looking forward to the promo.
