Sunday 3 May 2015

YanDrassi painted by Stijn Van der Jonckheyd

Packages full of YanDrassi miniatures went out all over the world from here in Scotland and one of them ended up in the hands of the talented Stijn Van der Jonckheyd.  Stijn very kindly offered to let us show you all pictures of his painted and based YanDrassi.  Here are the pictures with a short caption under each of them.  You can find the YanDrassi in the Loud Ninja Games range page on our website from 5th May 2015.

YanDrassi Force of Neeks, Tavshar and Horgosi
Tavshar Warriors from RAP020 and RAP023
Horgosi Warriors from RAP021
RAP024 Tavshar Prime
Two Neek Squads from RAP019
A line up (left to right) of a Horgosi, Tavshar Prime, Tavshar Commander and a Neek
Thanks for your time.  Enjoy!



  1. Great paintjob! Especially like the neeks - really brings out the facial features.

    1. I agree Nicolas. Great work on them and interest choice of colours as well.

