Sunday 29 December 2013

Alien Squad Leader ASQL 2.0 will be in back in print 2014

The title of this post says it all really.  There will be a new print run of the Alien Squad Leader 2nd edition book in the first quarter of 2014.  More details nearer to the time but I can say that there will be new ASQL related miniature releases and an offer to go with the book being sold once more too.

I believe that Alien Squad Leader is one of the best 15mm element based wargames that there is and its author Alex Self created a generic system based on army templates that can be used with just about any setting.  In fact it is one of the prime reasons that 15mm Science Fiction as a genre has become so popular over the last five years as we have been told by the hundreds of wargamers who already own the book.

We have a list of person's who have expressed interest in being told when ASQL is to be sold once more.  All of those persons will be informed and if you would like to be on the list please send us an email to titled ASQL2.0.



  1. Replies
    1. Hello John,

      Thanks for your comment and your support. I had a look at your blog too. Interesting work and research. Perhaps one day everything here will become wargaming lore itself.

