Wednesday 9 November 2016

HOT111 Dem Bones 15mm Skulls and Skeletons released

Back in the summer of this year we released five excellent and popular packs of 15mm scale scenics for use in wargaming, roleplay, dungeon crawl and vignette and bases.  These were so well received that we have now expanded with a new pack by request!  HOT111 Dem Bones gives you face down and face up skeletons, a sprue of skulls, a skull pile and a floor tile or base of skulls.  Excellent.  As a pack or multiple packs with saving single choice of pieces.  Go HERE to see the HOT 15mm Fantasy Range or read on for more.

Dem Bones are a rattling!  Dem Bones are a stirrin!  Dem Bones are a marching!

HOT111 Dem Bones
The Bones of the Dead. This pack contains a random but even mix of ten 15mm scale white metal pieces taken from five different scenic miniatures (the sprue of 6 Skulls counts as one piece). In this pack are from left to right two different skeletal corpses, a sprue of six Human skills, a heap of skulls (1cm across) and a 20mm square carpet of skulls all of which are ideal for use as dungeon quests, dioramas, base or element decoration and for scattering on your wargames table or tiles. All are single piece castings and can be applied in many different ways. You can purchase a pack, or three packs with a 10% saving and selecting from the drop down product menu on the page a choice of single sprues taken from the pack if you wish only for certain types of items from the pack.  These run from left to right in the main image for your choices. Suitable for any 15mm system for fantasy and even historical in many cases too.  Go HERE.

In our scale shots you can see evil knights (17mm tall) on a 20mm square base) standing among the scenics to give you an idea of their size. This miniature is from the HOT104 Anti-Paladins pack. Also an Undead Rider from HOT24.

We have five other packs of 15mm scale fantasy scenics which you can see HERE on a specialised search on our website.  Read on for details of the packs.

HOT105 Dungeon Gear 15mm Fantasy Scenics 
Great for 15mm Fantasy Wargaming! This pack contains a random but even mix of fourteen 15mm scale white metal pieces taken from nine different scenic miniatures.  In this pack are four different grave markers, two different loot piles and three different treasure chests all of which are ideal for use as dungeon quests, dioramas, base or element decoration and for scattering on your wargames table or tiles.  

HOT106 Stockpiles 15mm Fantasy Scenics 
Great for 15mm Fantasy Wargaming! This pack contains a random but even mix of seventeen 15mm scale white metal pieces taken from seven different scenic miniatures.  In this pack are a shield pile, a baggage pile, a bundle of spears as well as five different kegs, barrels and boxes all of which are ideal for use as dungeon quests, dioramas, base or element decoration and for scattering on your wargames table or tiles.  

HOT107 Encampment 15mm Fantasy Scenics  
Great for 15mm Fantasy Wargaming! This pack contains a random but even mix of eighteen 15mm scale white metal pieces taken from ten different scenic miniatures.  In this pack are a small tent, two different bed rolls and a campfire, a giant birds nest and a well along with four different mushroom clumps all of which are ideal for use as dungeon quests, dioramas, base or element decoration and for scattering on your wargames table or tiles. 

HOT108 Woodlands 15mm Fantasy Scenics 
Great for 15mm Fantasy Wargaming! This pack contains a random but even mix of twenty 15mm scale white metal pieces taken from thirteen different scenic miniatures.  In this pack are four different big mushrooms, four different rock croppings, two stumps and three fallen dead wood pieces all of which are ideal for use as dungeon quests, dioramas, base or element decoration and for scattering on your wargames table or tiles.  

HOT109 Crops 15mm Fantasy Scenics 
Great for 15mm Fantasy Wargaming! This pack contains a random but even mix of twenty four 15mm scale white metal pieces taken from twelve different scenic miniatures.  In this pack are three different wheat stalks, three different cabbage rows, three different potato plant rows and three different squash rows all of which are ideal for use as dungeon quests, dioramas, base or element decoration and for scattering on your wargames table or tiles.  

Thanks for Reading,



  1. Those are great! I have to get some of those as soon as I can.

    1. Thanks! Glad you like them. Remember the Black Friday Event last weekend this month, we will announce a week before it when and what it will be.


    2. Will have to pass on the offer this month, not only do I have a lead mountain to work on, I also have a lead foot and a fair size ticket that had to be paid off.

    3. There is always next time, not to worry. I hope it all works out for you.

